Friday 19 November 2010

Schizophrenia and Brain receptors

Scientists at the University of new castle have claimed to have obtained evidence that could demonstrate the likely cause of abnormalities that occur in electrical waves of brains. The research team believes that the schizophrenic are deficient in essential brain receptors that control.

It has carried out research on rats where recipients were lowered with the help of medication to take account of changes in the frequency of wave; the changes occurred and that proved the fact.

Schizophrenia is basically psychiatric disorder that indicates a mental disorder with typical features such as disorders of perception or anomaly in the expression of reality. The disorder commonly manifest anomalies as acoustic hallucinations, delusions strange or paranoid, had been messy process of expression and thought with significant dysfunction in his ass social and professional aspects.The symptoms of schizophrenia are likely the appearance during the diagnosis of PTSD adolescencia.El is exclusively dependent on the self-reports provided by the patient experiences and behaviors; conditions sometimes other observation could also help in the diagnosis.

Studies have shown that some factors likely time for schizophrenia could be genetics, Neurobiology, principle of environmental, social or psychological processes. Some medications;It may be prescribed or recreational them can aggravate symptoms más.Recientes psychiatric research focuses mainly on factors that could possibly be the actual cause of such mental disorders neurobiological, but evidence have not been found yet. As there are two many contradictory symptoms of schizophrenia, is often difficult to conclude whether the diagnosis indicates a single problem or a combination of a couple of different; symptoms the debate is still.

Schizophrenic individuals are likely to have climbed towards the brain mesolimbic dopamine activity.Antipsychotic Medications are most soughted treatment and are used to dominate the dopamina.Psicoterapia along with social and professional rehabilitation activity also can help in this regard.In severe cases, where there is a risk for the individual as well as for others - hospitalization is the final shape.

Schizophrenia is believed to affect human cognition, but also has a dramatic impact on the emotions and behavior of an individuo.Esquizofrénicos could also have certain concomitant, conditions such as severe depression and anxiety disorders.

Several studies have been conducted to determine the truth of schizophrenia, but not fruitful results have deduced todavía.Los scientists are still trying her best look over close to the functions of the brain in people with schizophrenia and that which is not, the only way to derive tests to prove the truth of his theory suggested.

Previously, a difference arises by researchers associated with "gamma - frequency oscillation" a typical pattern of electrical activity it was found that different in esquizofrénicos.El Newcastle research team has gone to derive the actual cause of such an alteration.

The research team used ketamine, a recreational drug for human beings causing hallucinations, a main symptom of the esquizofrenia.Cuando this was applied to the brain cells from rats, frequency changed dramatically by blocking the NMDA receptor brain rat brain electrical activity.

Apparently, this could mean that schizophrenic do not have enough recipients or their receptors are not functional.

"Our hope would be that in the long term this could lead to a method to improve brain function, actually, not only for people with schizophrenia, but potentially many other brain conditions."-adds Dr. Mark Cunningham.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

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