Saturday 13 November 2010

Real cause schizophrenia - links to the control of selfish - mental health research

Medical professionals claim to have no clue about what causes schizophrenia. It is complex and puzzling and has challenged understanding forever. Key to you; This author is briefly explain schizophrenia in the form of common sense in a clear and simple language.

The truth is that each schizophrenic knows exactly what he or she behaves erratically, and each schizophrenic has ultimate responsibility for their physical condition, mental and emotional refusal and circumstances. In summary, a schizophrenic unconsciously is controlling everything that he or she thinks, feels and does. Doctors believe that a schizophrenic is "out of control."Exactly the opposite is schizophrenic cierto.cada is located in a State of extreme selfish (Jet extremely controlling and abusive parents) and control of extreme selfish.

Schizophrenic live mainly in their ideas controlled and made.As young children, began to psychologically fleeing a hard, restrictive, usually sexually abusive environment parental.Buscaban "safe" in their minds. Unconsciously began indulging in orchestrate dreams and fantasies that perception as "better than" realities that are physically experimenting at home.

Each schizophrenic creates and coordinates its mental and emotional state with the subconscious reactive, control options to deny one realidad.cada is intentionally, to defy what he or she knows is correct and lovingly responsible way. Return to those options have repeatedly been held for many years.

If them frightened, confused and angry children decided to flee to their places of illusion enough, often with the subconscious commitment and passion, ultimately crossed a line where these "safe" mental places came to be extremely difficult to consciously back in.

When a child, an adolescent or an adult unconsciously controls its own perception, thinking, feeling, I remember and expression to an endpoint, systematically are deceived, denying, invent, fantasizing, suppressing, repression and lying, he or she will inevitably develop symptoms of severe mental illness.When you are finished far coherent, reactive, intentional, defiant, symptoms of schizophrenia are likely to start appearing.

Normal (honest) everyone can identify with symptoms more esquizofrénicos.Se become abnormal and become strange due to its consistency, the extremeness and duration.Sometimes has lacked interest, energy, the warmth and humor and become apathetic?

That has not perceived falsely or rock, seen or heard things that others do not, became in undue fear or paranoid, indulged in false beliefs or misinterpretations and illusion self events and their meaning? who can say that he or she not concluded firmly condemned and stubbornly refused alternative explanations against all reason?

Not every time you wanted to be alone, spoke of nonsense, he became anxious, worried or obsessed with something offered reasonable behavior explanations, became ambivalent, was unable to think straight, became anxious, felt confused, forgot what he or she intended to say, he became scared, confused, showed emotion blunted or flat or phenomenon in a wishful or illogical way-especially in times of stress?

Denials of self-destructive acts, negative symptoms, and each person drives emerge subconscious selfish intentions that are essentially "selfish reactions" control.

Many complex factors underlie the reactive selfishly options that someone hace.Subconscientes related father always negative agreements are an influential factor.These negative agreements are entered in, honest and promulgated with little or no conscience however consciente.No, its enactment could have destructive effects devastatingly.

In all cases, the schizophrenic has been shot consistently and extreme mental, emotional, physical and sexual one or both parents (or substitute father) always we selfishly react.Not react to the wrong other decisions is difficult;It is our main human challenge.

What separates the normal selfish person of the schizophrenic is that normal selfish person probably has not been seriously abused, nor is he or she reacting as a selfish or intensely.There is no evidence of laboratory for schizophrenia.Diagnosis is made by examining the history of the family of a person, his emotional history, current symptoms and the presence of other disorders.

Characteristic of schizophrenia symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, Catatonic extremely disorganized behavior and negative symptoms as the coupling of mood, the inability to speak, mental confusion or aphasia and a general lack of desire, motivation and common persistencia.Es than a schizophrenic not initiate or complete important tasks.

The naivety of the majority of psychiatric and psychological professionals is a vergüenza.Insisten in rationalizing the obvious fact that a schizophrenic has reached the highest State control intentional, defiant, selfish and reaction.Everything about their symptoms clearly reflects that fact, but these medical professionals irrationally and absurdly claim that schizophrenia is a "disease" during which the patient has no control.

The view "no-fault" professional of this disorder leads to doctors to ensure that parents of schizophrenic patients that did nothing mal.Eso is sufficient to ensure that any schizophrenic feel crazy and reinforces its profound sense of unreality and desesperanza.Para summing up, the real cause of schizophrenia (or any less severe disorders) is selfish reaction and selfish control.


This information is provided only for educational purposes and is not intended to serve as médico.La information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a disease or problem of salud.No is a substitute for care profesional.Si his teenage son, or have any health concerns, please consult your health care provider.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

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Jean details subconscious exchanges in the womb among the patients mental illness and abusive parents lead to selfish reactions occurring in later life as symptoms of disease mental.Visite

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