Sunday 31 October 2010

How to heal better schizophrenia

This day the perception of schizophrenia has changed dramatically if we were to compare how is Miró in the past. With the help of new treatments, support and constant monitoring of the family increase the chances of treatment of the patient. Regular monitoring ups are also necessary if disease is to be completely beaten.

While all this are now available and can not uncommon should not be able to find a good doctor for schizophrenic patients and sometimes if your doctor is there are risks that interest is not there. But these minor setbacks can also be avoided by knowing where you can get some appropriate responses. Ask the right people, or even better families with patients suffering from the disease, can save you a lot of problems to find the best doctor or treatment.In this way that quickly brought into contact with persons adecuadas.Incluso there is an organization, very well prepared and informed, that deals with a lot of schizophrenic related problems.

Ideally, follow a brief but important list that helps greatly in obtaining the appropriate; helpa doctor must err on Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain, adopt and maintain a detailed record of the patient, prescribe, and regularly review medications and perhaps most importantly still: include the family in the treatment and of course correctly all members would be the best thing to do.

Schizophrenia is a serious process and importante.Ciertas parties must always be taken into account.

Medications are very important in the maintenance of the symptoms of the disease under control.Por unfortunately is not always known witch medicine have better effects, so regular adjustments are needed, and as always some few side effects will be present.

Accept the disease and beginning to know too are a fact not to be forgotten and something that should be taken very into serio.Los patients must learn to work with the family and the family also should give and support patient ass better puedan.La community also has a lot of activities and groups that can help in the treatment of the patient.

A good diet, physical exercises are also very necessary in a good recovery after treatment and really complete. observation of the patient is very important if the treatment is to achieve its desired objective
Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

For more about the symptoms of schizophrenia or schizophrenia resources please follow this link

Saturday 30 October 2010

What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? 5. Symptoms of schizophrenia You Need to know

Do you know if suffering from schizophrenia? What are the symptoms of schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that interferes with the way a person acts, thought, and sees the world around them. Chronic PTSD sufferers have lost touch with reality. They are deceived in his thoughts. People with this disorder can see or hear things that are not in touch with reality.

The following points will determine whether a person has symptoms of the esquizofrenia.Debe noted that a patient of chronic PTSD may not have all these symptoms can develop new symptoms over time.

Delusions: this is the most common symptom of schizophrenia where a person believes in something that is completely false. There is no logic to his thoughts. A patient can have a different type of delusions e.g. feel someone is to get them, or are being controlled by foreigners. You may feel that they are being persecuted, or someone is controlling them. Some delusions are related to greatness, someone special history or they can fly.? As you may indicate delusions they are a broad subject but are related to the symptoms of schizophrenia. Hallucinations: patients seem to hear voices and noises in his mind. They may hear voices of people who know or noise that can only be heard. Seems worse when they are alone. Disorganized voice: people who suffer from schizophrenia, often has speech disorders. For example, a person will begin a phrase speaking envelope a theme and then jump to another. Patients have a difficult time focus and keep any pensamiento.En process one minute two conversation a patient can speak about five different subject matters if not more. Comportamiento: Desorganizado There seems to be a decrease in daily operation. The person portrayed a strange behavior with a lack of control.There are more unpredictable responses in their behavior.A person is unable to interact with people at work or in a social environment due to its irrational behavior.Negative symptoms: people suffer from emotional expression of lack of schizophrenia, suffer less enthusiasm and sometimes a strange set of behaviors are not aware of his entorno.Mostrará and no sense of its consequences.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Are you or someone you know suffering from schizophrenia? there are many resources available to help with this disorder chronic. now you can deal with the symptoms of schizophrenia by using methods of self-help and the eradication of this enfermedad.Le recommend you read the information contained on the following site where you will learn from someone who has been through the distressing symptoms of schizophrenia and how defeated disorder.

Friday 29 October 2010

Symptoms and diagnosis of schizophrenia

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Se sabe que ningún síntoma único es específico para la esquizofrenia, por lo tanto, a fin de poner un diagnóstico, debe haber algunas condiciones de que se presente. Podemos mencionar las 3 condiciones. Una condición es acerca de ciertos síntomas que están presentes durante al menos seis meses, incluso en ausencia de brotes activas e incluyen síntomas como marcó el aislamiento social, comportamiento peculiar, discurso vaga e incoherente y otros síntomas de pensamiento perturbado. La segunda condición es acerca de la presencia de al menos un estallido activa un mes de duración o menos, que consiste en al menos dos síntomas característicos, como alucinaciones, delirios, desorganizado de pensamiento y de otros. La tercera condición es particularmente extra?os delirios o alucinaciones que aparecen en los pacientes incluso en ausencia de otros síntomas característicos.

Los síntomas que se producen en la esquizofrenia también pueden aparecer en otras condiciones psicológicas y médicas. Estos síntomas incluyen delirios, alucinaciones, discurso desorganizada e incoherente, y behavior.There extravagantemente desorganizada o catatónico son algunas condiciones similares a la esquizofrenia. Depresión a veces puede ocurrir junto con delirios somáticas que significa que la depresión viene con delirios que se centran en una anomalía física o enfermedad que no es real.People con el trastorno bipolar puede experimentar durante la fase maníaca paranoia y delirios de grandeza.También hay las psicosis similares a la esquizofrenia, condiciones que pueden ser las variaciones de enfermedades completamente diferentes y están clasificadas como trastorno esquizoafectivo, psicosis esquizofreniformes, atípico y breve reactivo schizophrenia.Alcohol y drogas abuso también puede desencadenar psicosis y es importante que los médicos distinguen la psicosis provocada por drogas o alcohol de un esquizofrénico episode.Encephalitis, neurosífilis, trastornos de la tiroides, cancr en el sistema nervioso central, la enfermedad de Huntington, esclerosis múltiple, accidente cerebrovascular, la enfermedad de Wilson y otras enfermedades también puede ser causas de symptoms.It psicóticos era visto que algunos medicamentos, debido a los efectos secundarios que se traen pueden inducir psicosis, y esto por lo general se observa en pacientes de edad avanzada.

En la detección de cambios en la estructura del cerebro que se refieren a conjuntos específicos de los síntomas de la esquizofrenia, hay una serie de técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes de cerebro, pero en este momento, se usan sólo como resonancia de tools.Magnetic de investigación imágenes pueden mostrar el cerebro de un número de diferentes perspectivas, y revela partes del cerebro que son inaccesibles para otros análisis methods.Other técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes son la tomografía de emisión calculado de fotón único y tomografía por emisión de positrones.Pueden mostrar información sobre el flujo sanguíneo y el metabolismo en la brain.Science es lo suficientemente temprano como para iniciar las medidas preventivas y a desarrollar algunas pruebas sencillas, que pueden detectar con precisión la esquizofrenia.Allí puede ser útil una prueba de sangre que detecta la evidencia genética de altos niveles de receptor de dopamina de D3, mediciones de ciertos ésteres y una prueba que utiliza equipos para analizar el cerebro analiza e identificar cambios en el flujo de sangre indicativo de la esquizofrenia, incluso antes de que ocurran los síntomas.

Más información sobre el tratamiento para la esquizofrenia haga clic aquí!

Para obtener más información acerca de esquizofrenia o incluso los síntomas de la esquizofrenia por favor revise esta página

Thursday 28 October 2010

How to recognize the symptoms of schizophrenia?

The symptoms of schizophrenia fall into two groups: the positive and negative symptoms. Positive symptoms relate to those characters that come as a supplementary to the personality of the patient and consist of disordered thinking and psychotic symptoms. Negative symptoms relate to those characters that disappears due to schizophrenia, as lost emotion and expression. These negative symptoms are the first to appear on a schizophrenic person.

Schizophrenia causes that you persons affected not to express any more; emotiondo not enjoy things that used to give them satisfaction as going out with friends, swimming, golf, or play the tenis.Porque have a lack of movement and show little expression of face that does not have many friends and not so easily to make friends.

Often have problems at school or work because it can't concentrate more, have a lack of motivation and process the information with difficulty.

Many people who observe these changes in close people think that this is due to other health problems, depression or substance abuse and not think about schizophrenia.

The positive symptoms category contains hallucinations, which means that the affected person can hear voices, could see things that are not present, or could even smell of something that isn't there.

Schizophrenic individuals might believe that are sent by God and that have a special mission which should be completed soon; others might think are United States President and not easy to convince this is not true.

These people are confused, cannot properly respond to a question, and have a strange way to talk about that you hardly understood by others.Sometimes answer questions with a single word, such as Yes or no, and not are sociable, avoiding new acquaintances and strangers.

Unorganized behavior, sometimes very nervous and agitated without proper reason and have disrupted body as a roll on the Chair back and forth movements for a long time.

They cannot care for themselves more receive dirty but do not have a bath in weeks, not washed his clothes and leaving dirty home up makes it impossible to live that space.

People consider stockings and strange because they have inadequate behaviour as smiling or laughing at a funeral, at an inappropriate time or without reason específica.En some cases, it may occur more rarely jerky eye movements.

Schizophrenia symptoms appear depending on the type of schizophrenia as a person tiene.En paranoid schizophrenia case, the patient could be constantly afraid due to the fact that there was a problem with the interpretation of the realidad.Las schizophrenic individuals Catatonic represent long in an awkward position strange; disorganized schizophrenic patients create a language that nobody understands or even create words rhyming continuamente.Una rarer form of schizophrenia is schizophrenia children causing a lack of emotion, disorganised speech and hallucinations.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

For more information about schizophrenia or schizophrenia symptoms please check this page

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Schizophrenia treatments

Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain, the cause is unknown. Exact brain problem is only partially understood. In this condition, a physical ailment creates a serious mental problem. Treatment is aimed at reducing symptoms and management of the disease.

A person suffering from schizophrenia thinks that he is a special person, a cut above the rest, and therefore everyone is trying to do so.He or she suffers hallucinations and delirios.Su thought process is messy and converted in very far from reality.

Antipsychotic drugs have been used for some time and are the first line of treatment for schizophrenia. First medications such as clozapine, were as effective as the most recent. But their side effects are more severe than newer as risperidone and olanzapine drugs. There are many more drugs in development.These medications are very effective in the prevention of hallucinations and delirios.Cuando disappear the symptoms it is important that the drug is tapered down slowly to prevent relapse. Later in the treatment of schizophrenia, anti-anxiety, antidepressant medications and anti-convulsive may be needed to deal with other symptoms, such as bipolar mania and side effects of primary treatment.

Convulsive therapy (ECT) electro is a treatment of highly trained health professionals.Granted under relaxing muscle and anesthesia generales.No cause pain or cause the body to convulse. The coup in the brain causes a seizure in the brain.Although not known exactly how to cure, create electrochemical changes that creates shock to help the patient.

Medications for schizophrenia normally supports psicoterapia.Apoyo family in appropriate psychiatric care, and group therapy are some treatment options that are very eficaces.Los researchers are still working to find causes of schizophrenia.Possible causes are bad genes, as the disease tends to familias.El National Institute of mental health is sponsoring medications that may be able to treat schizophrenia, not only of controlling symptoms.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Schizophrenia provides detailed information about schizophrenia, types of schizophrenia, symptoms of schizophrenia, schizophrenia treatments and much más.Esquizofrenia is affiliated with the effects of antidepressants.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Reviewing the various types and symptoms of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a form of psychosis that changes of sick reality of an often frightening world of danger, confusion, hallucinations, delusions. The symptoms of schizophrenia are often described as "positive" or "negative". Positive symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, thought disorders and involuntary movements can come and go.

Negative symptoms relate to reductions in normal as a monotone voice behavior, beware of facial expression, a lack of pleasure, speech is infrequent, poor hygiene and inability to run a plan.A times, symptoms occur constantly, while on other occasions patients suffer from disorder schizophreniform.

There are five different types of schizophrenia, according to research of schizophrenia, and varían.El symptoms first type and the most common is the paranoid schizophrenia. The paranoid schizophrenic suffers sometimes bizarre delusions and auditory hallucinations.

For example, the patient can believe that the Government is spying on them, who spoke on television or animals, or that someone is attempting to intentionally hurt them. Often, schizophrenic paranoid also suffer from an anxiety that accompanies it causes greater fear, nervous twitching and dislike disorder.Other patients have delusions of grandeur and believe they are a great inventor or a celebrity.

Strange emotional responses are characterized by the second type, called a disorganized schizophrenia. Symptoms of schizophrenia of this type may include facial display beware, a monotone voice, or the inability to laugh, cry, and display any emotion. sick may show signs of "psychomotor poverty," patterns of broken voice, a lack of spontaneous movement or motivation, derailment, thought disturbances and distortion of reality.

The third type is called schizophrenia Catatonic, which is the stereotypical vision of a person balancing back and forth in a jacket Strait, staring vapidly - sometimes walking endlessly, or other times completely be silenciar.Los symptoms of this type may include making jerky, strange, movements with arms and legs shaking above without reason.Catatonic schizophrenia is unable to care for him or herself and is characterized by severe mental illness.

The fourth type is known as undifferentiated schizophrenia, which means that symptoms can not definitively classified disorder as a type or patients otro.Algunos show different symptoms or a few of each category.These patients sometimes lack catatonia, paranoia and disorganised speech, but rather a neurological disorder symptoms may occur.

Finally, residual schizophrenia is someone that can have a past history, but not currently exhibits positive - symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or behaviour stranger. schizophrenia sometimes residual occurs during a transition from diagnosed schizophrenia remission and other times not psychotic episodes occurring during years.

Approximately one in every thousand people develops a - schizophreniform disorder means that they exhibit a form of short-term esquizofrenia.Dos thirds of people with the disorder will develop a mental illness throughout life.

These symptoms of schizophrenia can be caused by Genetics, chemistry of the brain or factors ambientales.Algunas people are literally pushed to the brink of madness due to highlight interactions sociales.Otros have an imbalance that can lead to disruption in the brain neurotransmitters.

To treat schizophrenia of any kind, the good news is taking a schizophrenia drugs antipsychotic tends to be very effective in the treatment of symptoms and allows the majority of patients a relatively normal life.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

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Monday 25 October 2010

Symptoms of schizophrenia in children

Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that affects men, women, boys and girls. However, it may be a little difficult to diagnose in children. However, when diagnosed, medication can use to help the patient control rather than control.

At times, may not be able to indicate that deals with this disease, which is not, by simple mira.Sin embargo, after having a conversation with that person, you might have any questions.

Currently, there is no cure for this disease, and when the drug was prescribed someone, is intended to help control the symptoms.

Children who face this disease may show some or all of these symptoms to follow, but can also be another reason for these symptoms.

Very temperamental

They can be very Moody, a moment that are well and when the next, without any warning, can become very grumpy, just to put it mildly.

Behave young was itself

Many times, you will find people acting in a manner which is younger than her age, however, with children who have this disease is not an acto.Es say I believe are age displayed.

Very Anxious and fearful

Are unusually anxious and fearful about many cosas.En

Problems of creation and maintenance of friends

As a result of his unusual behavior, it is often very difficult for them to make and maintain friendships with otros.Se can say and do things that are not appropriate.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Sunday 24 October 2010

-Schizoaffective disorder symptoms and treatment

Schizoaffective disorder is a mental condition that is combined with a State of mood disorder psychosis. The person with this condition has not only lost touch with reality, or real life situations, but they also suffer from mood disorders as well.

As with most mental disorders, symptoms may differ from one person to the siguiente.La person can experience psychotic episodes and a disorder of the State of mind at the same time, or may show signs of one or the other separately.

What are the demonstrations?

-Changes in appetite and energy
-Speech disordered
-Easily agitated
-Unable to care for self
-Sleep disorders
-Inability to focus
-Mania - high or low state of mind

What are the causes?

Do not know the cause of the disorder that can contribute esquizoafectivo.Factores include genetics and imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain.It is not as common as the conditions of schizophrenia and mood, is more common in women than men and is rare in children.


Your doctor will have to obtain a detailed health history and performing a physical exam completo.También orderable blood work and other tests to rule out other causes of the síntomas.Si these tests back as negative, which means that any underlying disease process is clear, the doctor may refer you to a provider of mental health for psychiatric tests and treatment.


More schizoaffective disorder is often treated with a combination of drugs antipsychotic and stabilizing moods, which include State:

Lithium - this medication helps to stabilize the manic episodes and mood States.

Valproic acid and carbamazepine - helps these remedies against fits and serve well in the regulation of mental problems and use 3 weeks for the mitigation of the manifestation. Rara time, antidepressants are advised to reduce the scope of the humble feeling.

Medications must be custom tailored to each patient, since the symptoms are different for each paciente.dosis should be adjusted in order to find the right combination that works for important usted.Es have patience as these drugs will take time to be effective.

Treatments can go up to months or years giving varied results, but ill Schizoaffective normally retrievable sana.Hay deduce the reasons for the manifestation and work quickly to ensure recovery agradable.Si life shows German demonstrations, precipitating the doctor and get by inference and remedy operations.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Jared Wright is the director of - free site aprendizaje.puede community marketing know more about the symptoms of schizophrenia and schizophrenia of mental illness.

Saturday 23 October 2010

The symptoms of schizophrenia

The symptoms of schizophrenia are numerous and can mimic other problems of mental health, such as depression and bipolar disorder. There is no test for the diagnosis of schizophrenia; a psychiatrist correctly diagnose and treat.

Symptoms of schizophrenia fall into two groups, positive and negative.Psychological disorders "added" to the behaviour of the patient as a result of the disease are known as positivos.estos symptoms include:

hallucinations or distorted perception of reality, sometimes played by friends and family as unconventional imagination. Hallucinations may involve listening to voices, view, touch and smell.

or other frequent positive symptoms include delusions. People suffering from schizophrenia may believe that when it is not what you think and feel is real.Paranoid delusions can manifest as irrational beliefs to be deceived, poisoned or acosados.puede feel that others are "out to get them". On the contrary, delusions of grandeur could sit top of the world, including famous or important.People with schizophrenia often report strange delirium, such as a neighbor to control their lives through some unconventional means, or a fictional television character send them special messages.

thought disorders often impair the schizophrenic person ability to think clearly or connect thoughts on logical patterns.They find it difficult to concentrate and are easily thought distraídos.Trastornos make very difficult for a person suffering from schizophrenia to carry a conversation, an enigma which often results in social isolation.

or Agitated body movements known as movement disorders are another type of symptom positivo.En an example, a person with a movement disorder can repeat certain movements over and over again.In another example, a person may be Catatonic, although catatonia is not often seen today with the development of effective treatments.

Psychological capacities of the schizophrenic person has "lost" as a result of their disease known as negative symptoms and may include:

or a complete loss of enthusiasm and interest in things were once important for él.La person with schizophrenia may have no pleasure in everyday life.

or be socially withdrawn, isolated, preferring his own company to contact other personas.Cuando are forced in situations with others, people with schizophrenia do not interact in absoluto.Son unable to start and sustain the activities planned.

or negative symptoms to schizophrenic individuals also include apathy, appearing completely indifferent things happening to her around and not showing any interest in participar.puede spend all day doing nothing that could even personal neglect hygiene.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Author is a writer independiente.Para more information on the Skyland trail, visit

Friday 22 October 2010

Symptoms of schizophrenia - time to meet with an expert psychiatrist

There is really no such clinical measure that can detect schizophrenia. It is the duty of an expert psychiatrist concluded that having based on symptoms which, in a Word, called classics.

If you are relying on evidence you are sure to find that the evidence is not nothing but useless.There are other symptoms that can mimic schizophrenia, but only an expert psychiatrist may discard all ellos.Los symptoms that can mislead anyone are seizure disorder, the functioning of the thyroid, metabolic disorders, or brain tumor.

Schizophrenia, psychiatric practice, is classified into two types, positive symptoms and the negative. It is positive symptoms which are exclusively important. There are intended disorientation, auditory hallucinations, delusions, and so on.Negative symptoms are called so because he totally unable to function as a perfect human being with his thoughts and emociones.Este patients patients lacks of emotions. They can not mix with people to his surrounding and in this way to socialize error.

However, is another type called cognitive type. In this category patients suffer from disorganized ideas that are absolutely chaotic and absurd.Patients are prone to hallucinations and patients ilusiones.Los cannot interpret what is happening around. All the time that fall prey of false perceptions.Patients hear voices from air that are always commanded to type or giving notice to some hazards that are imminent.

The most serious problems that are experienced by patients with schizophrenia are false notions of his vida.Todo time feel that they they always victims of conspiracies are notable personalities in society. All the time patients ruminate within his mind and thus become detached from the harsh reality looming large in the society.

These patients all the time it seems that some mysterious characters are entering your room from no where and making his intolerable life through his malignos.Incluso powers there all the time the idea that someone is spying from somewhere with the intention of doing harm.

Actually there are shortages in reasonably think.As a result of which predominate those ideas.Patients are prone to jump from an idea to another without any logic.Sometimes make a peculiar vocabulary of its own which is not entirely clear to other people who interact with them.

It is interrupted the process of thinking in a way so bad all the time there is a constant stream of ideas irrelevantes.Intentan demonstrate that they are right in their ideas and at the same time in an effort to improvise their illogical thoughts to others.

These patients are actually devoid of emociones.Nunca feel to otros.De monotonous way all the time go by expressing their own loved ideas.Los, sons and daughters, husbands or wives, parents are of any importance for ellos.Se dress in such a face all the time that reflects the lack of interest of emotion.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Author Uttoran Sen is an enthusiastic health who likes to talk and write about mental health issues for more details about the symptoms of schizophrenia, visit healthcave.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Schizophrenia impact is to families

It seems that most people with schizophrenia are family and not to the sick person. Families are looking for answers, why your child is sick, what could he have done deserve affection. Family members will try to stay together but finally was torn apart by crises posed by schizophrenic person.

Know that his son is schizophrenic cannot easily bearable. All kinds of feelings appears from rabies to sadness, anxiety and guilt.People don't understand why he had to spend with them and will try to find a respuesta.Pasar through all these feelings is a stage in accepting what had happened to the sick person.

Because they are in a State of shock, some people can deny all that explain the doctor and will refuse to accept the obvious that his son is not well at all.

Some could be angry at the ill person and refuse to pay any attention to the sick child.It can even stop wishing that the child had never been existido.Otros blame each other for the fact that his son is sick, people think that they have not been good enough parents.

All of these terrible feelings are only part of the natural process of accommodation, from the stage that leads to healing of soul and acceptance of the reality.But sometimes these demonstrations are still being present during longer which normally should and could be installed physical damage such as loss of weight, insomnia, even of alcoholism.

Parents often ask questions about what will be the future of the ill person, about who will pay for her son after that no longer podrán.estos thoughts can bring serious depressions and severe stress in the family.

Other children in the family could be terrified by the fact that they will have to continue their parents work with the sick person; do not want to live their lives as did his parents in a continuous search for answers and desilusiones.Finalmente will either sacrifice their lives to deal personally with his sister or brother, or to live with a lifelong sense of guilt, if they refuse to do so and give its relative in hospital care.

Having to take care of a schizophrenic person is not that easy as some might think and needs long time and above all, patience, not everyone has.


Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

For more about the symptoms of schizophrenia or schizophrenia resources please follow this link

Wednesday 20 October 2010

What are the positive symptoms of schizophrenia?

Positive symptoms are the easiest to see, the most spectacular and, in general, those that demand attention. One of the reasons referred to them as positive indicators is that add to or alter the reality. Twenty years ago positive symptoms were the symptoms only were noticed because they are more closely linked to psychosis.

Psychosis term does not refer to a specific disease (e.g., schizophrenic disorder, depression or bipolar disorder), but the condition of being out of touch with realismo.Psicosis is usually a temporary state - one in which a person has positive symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, or other clearly abnormal distortions in thinking and perception, we cover in more detail later in this chapter.

Before the availability of antipsychotic drugs, people with schizophrenia and those who care for them, spent most of his energies trying to control distressing positive symptoms were agitated patients and inalcanzable.Los symptoms may appear slowly over time, or can come suddenly and intense as a fever aguda.En anyway, it is important to recognize when something seems wrong and seek professional help immediately medical and mental health.

Neuroleptic medications often decrease or elimination delusional think to the point where a qualified healer can then examine the problem of false belief with the person.

The 2002 Academy Award winning film a wonderful mind vividly portrays delusions and visual hallucinations experienced by the mathematician John Nash, who was diagnosed with esquizofrenia.Ha played a key role in raising awareness about the symptoms of schizophrenia for a generation of spectators.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

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Tuesday 19 October 2010

Some symptoms of mental illness, that you should be aware of

Million people worldwide suffer from all kinds of mental illnesses. These mental disorders and diseases of manic depressive state very mild mood to serious diseases disorders range. While mental illnesses are very serious in nature, there are many of the actions one can take to address them. There are some signs of mental illness that must have in mind if you want to handle these conditions effectively.

Most obvious symptoms of mental, particularly serious diseases such as depression, Manic are those who can see through physical changes.Someone who is starting to show signs of or currently suffers from a mental disorder or mental illness can have a stunning look, or easily lose concentration in regular exercise activities diarias.Concedidas, being able to recognize that the physical symptoms of a mental patient can be difficult at first, but once believes that your friend or family member is such physical changes, he or she will find it gradually more easy to recognize these conditions.

You have withdrawn behavior and attitude "solo" is some of the most important signs of mental illness that should be considered members of the family and family life and social activities that had been previously enjoyed by the individual amigos.Retirarse is one of those symptoms. It is almost always exhibited by people who feel depressed, mood disorders, suffer from schizophrenia, social anxiety disorders and many other types of mental illness.

Some other common symptoms of mental illness are irritability and anger without provocation. If you live with a member of the family who has a mental disorder, or think you may be suffering from yourself, then you may already have experienced this type of behavior. Someone suffering from a mental disorder can be easily angry, crying for no apparent reason and they are in general more irritable.

It is important to identify and control those above mentioned symptoms of mental illness in order to obtain good professional help. Contact a mental health center or a psychiatrist is a great way to get help because it can prescribe various treatment options for specific mental illness that one sufre.Por example, medications prescribed as antidepressant medications may be necessary, and medications can be combined with counseling therapy and behavior modification.In addition, mental health professionals often extend their services members family living with the individual suffering from a serious mental disorder.Often, these services include family therapy, and counseling that benefits all. multiple solutions and control mechanisms may share and use such counseling and psychotherapy.

All this in mind, to cope with mental illness definitely isn't easy because it requires much patience and perseverance.However, using the treatment appropriate for diagnosed mental disorder and search helps professionals, these major mental illnesses symptoms can be treated eficazmente.Por therefore, understand these symptoms of mental illness will allow you and your loved ones to control better when faced with such situations.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

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Monday 18 October 2010


There are many mental disorders whose cause is the psyche of the individual, especially since early childhood traumas. But schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder caused by a disabling disease of the brain. Approximately one percent of Americans are affected by this problem at a given time. Not much difference with the sex and age, but becomes more evident when people reach adolescence.

Although it is clear that a brain disorder is the cause, there no final test exactly what the problem. There is lot of encouraging research to identify the problem. The National Institute of mental health suggests causing most likely could be linked to the faulty neuron during the development of the child in the womb connections. It is idle until puberty, and the effect can be visible after. People with schizophrenia lose touch with the real world. Their perception of the people and events starts divorced from reality. His hallucinations, delusions, and the strange voices we hear are very real for them. Themselves lead to believe that they are victims of fraud, persecution or conspiracy. Usually lose the capacity to carry out logically its process of thought, sobre around when a lot of thoughts crowd in the brain. Their emotions are rather shutdowns, and mostly blank expressions.Contrary to popular thought, schizophrenia is no more violent than a person normal.Pero tendency to suicide is higher with schizophrenia.

Not knowing the exact cause or the mechanism of schizophrenia, treatment is mainly symptomatic. Based on clinical experience, a whole series of antipsychotic medications are available to the physician. Drugs reduce effectively and sometimes eliminate the symptoms.But there is no cure completa.Anti-Depression, anti-anxiety medications and anti-convulsive have also proven effective. In a small number of patients with acute schizophrenia electro-convulsive (ECT) therapy has proved to be very effective.

Although this is a brain disease and not a mental disorder, support to the family, support social and, more important still, psychotherapy are other factors that can contribute greatly to the paciente.Mucha research has gone to the cause of the problem but much more still to be done.Efforts include genetics, brain, and epidemiological studies.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Schizophrenia provides detailed information about schizophrenia, types of schizophrenia, symptoms of schizophrenia, schizophrenia treatments and much más.Esquizofrenia is affiliated with the effects of antidepressants.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Bipolar symptoms and hypomania

The importance of recognizing the symptoms of bipolar disorder, known until recently as Manic depression, not may be underestimated.

Severe bipolar disorder can sometimes be diagnosed wrongly as schizophrenia.Hallucinatory and delusional episodes may accompany the condition that the patient may appear too real.Incluso those with major depression may suffer hallucinations and delusions, despite the fact that unless the case is extreme, the patient knows that they are not real.

Those with severe bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, especially the latter, not are so fortunate. Your delusional visions are all too real for them. There we have the first difficulty in diagnosis.It is too easy to pass just the condition for the esquizofrenia.Por therefore manic and depressive symptoms should be explored. Here are seven of the most important.

The first symptom is elated mood in the manic State, followed by their status opposite in sadness and anxiety, depressive state normally for a prolonged period. Now there may be a few days while the pendulum varies from one State to another, or may occur during the night.

The second symptom in State maniac is speaking very fast due to thoughts racing on head patient. Unfortunately, rarely makes much sense, due to its speed, the corresponding jumble and disparate nature.Then the disease swings back again to where the patient feels desperate and constantly pesimista.Los thoughts, if he or she have any, they are covered by clouds too thick to penetrate.

The third manic symptoms is extreme energy, when hyperactive patient. Tend to run, putting their hands in any work seems necessary to make and refuse to rest because say they have no need.Then comes back the pendulum old, and are the poor in a State of constant, ready, fatigue person indeed, sometimes cannot be, thereby increasing their beds.

Then comes the fourth State maniac, entitled by some as "excessively aggressive behaviour".I prefer to call it their 'take charge' phase, I am, with great respect, to be a little more precisa.Ellos precisa.Ellos believe that know best and that should be the leader in any effort. This phase can prove, if not disastrous, then definitely embarrassing, because of course your thoughts remain mixed and unclear. The depressive state produces guilt and feelings of disability contrary to his State of "take over".

The fifth State is similar in its manic condition has believing them that they have unrealistic skills. Needless to say, that it must be seen as a Falcon during these episodes. I think otherwise in the depressive state it insomnia or oversleeping.

The sixth manic symptoms detects become very irritable. This is probably caused because there are features, deep down, that none of his alleged skills carry no fruit. This time its depressive state being persecuted with constant pain. Everything what hurts and pains and probably the best you can do is shuffle around.

The seventh manic State sees patients fall denial.Nothing is wrong with them, what all the fuss about?The depressive state can bring more serious trend todos.Pensamientos suicide.

Running through the middle of all this, as it were, we find a condition known as hypomania.This, strictly by itself, can be an excellent condition.Thoughts of a person moves quickly, but with much more sense and precision.Sick, if that is the correct term for this condition, they have often come to doing first-class work successively the face of it, hypomania is eminently desirable.Except for one thing.

If you have this condition, you are almost certainly susceptible to manic overtures that can become full blown, bipolar disorder with all its complications of the operadora.Por therefore, charming as this condition may seem at first, a visit to a psychiatrist would be wiser to discuss the likelihood, and use the word deliberately develop a bipolar.Es disorder a pity, but hypomania carries hidden bones.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Mike Bond, discussing the difficulties of disorder diagnosis bipolar.Hipomanía is a condition interesante.Unos few artists from various bands have come to be in this State for years, and of course have been working maravilloso.Hay a terrible risk, however, there is no risk by visiting their website, as Mike said. Although! all the contrario.Hay much to read and learn there

Mike I would like to thank WebMD for some of the details of this article

Saturday 16 October 2010

Symptoms of schizophrenia in children and adolescents

According to studies made by Erik Erikson psychosocial development, human beings than the age of 13 are classified as children and those that exist between the ages of 13 and 19 are classified as teenagers. Child or adolescent schizophrenia arises in the early years of life; It is rare, but is more challenging to manage. A child or a teenager suffering from schizophrenia cannot normally function as well as others. His ability to think, make decisions, and understand things seriously being hampered. A child suffering from schizophrenia may be only 8 years.

Children with schizophrenia symptoms

Children and adolescents with schizophrenia suffer hallucinations, delusions and distorted thinking, symptoms similar to a schizophrenic, adult patient except for some minor variations.There may be a gradual change in the pattern of behavior of a child or adolescent with schizophrenia.You have predictable behavior, children can display behaviors unpredictable malos.Los children with schizophrenia tend to follow their parents all the time, do not enjoy playing and chatting with other children, they lose interest in most activities, degrades face difficulties to focus on studies and performance escolar.Los school teachers are often first to observe her aberrant behavior in the first place.


For the treatment of children and adolescents with schizophrenia therapy group, family therapy and atypical antipsychotic drugs are commonly used.The common practice is for parents to bring his son a pediatrician and invite you to consult a psychiatrist who is good in the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of children with esquizofrenia.Los parents should try to that their best to encourage the child to participate in various activities at school to help treat mental disorder.

Understanding of schizophrenia in children and adolescents

To understand properly the childhood and Adolescence of schizophrenia, parents should consult psychiatrist who has experience in dealing with children and adolescents.There are few cases where one could get confused if a child has schizophrenia or not:

1 Have imaginary friends and talking to unrealistic things - is common for children to have imaginary friends that play or talk to when are around three years old; it is a fairly normal feature of children at this age.However, if such a feature is a child of 12 years of age or over a period of 15 years teen age and then the parents must worry, should talk with your child and understand what is feeling and should consult a doctor or a psychologist.

2. The complaint of losing a friend or family member - a teenager may feel sad about losing member of the family or a friend, among other things.He could try to avoid leaving and speak with nadie.En this moment, is common in people of all child to be insurance if he suffers from schizophrenia, especially if the family has a history of the disorder mental.En this point in time, recommended talking with adolescents and take him to a psychiatrist for the asesoría.Los shown symptoms may be due to temporary depression or early onset of schizophrenia.

It is not an easy task to tell the difference between the symptoms of schizophrenia or behaviour of a normal playful child you mismo.Si suspect that your child shows symptoms of schizophrenia, always seek the help of a professional or a psychologist to help in diagnosis.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Schizophrenia is one of the most terrible mental disorder that affects their ability to lead a life normal.Usted can find our more information about the condition, such as the history of schizophrenia and paranoid schizophrenia symptoms, visit - free learning community.

Friday 15 October 2010

Answers to questions about schizophrenia

Likely to develop schizophrenia are around 1%. The risks are even greater if someone in your family has or had the disease since the disease tends to run in the family. Studies have shown that risks vary considerably depending on that in the family has. There is no difference between risk men or women face when dealing with the risk of contracting the disease.

Although the vast majority of people in developing disease has become a certain age (20 or even higher), rarely seen where not older than 5 years old children have been diagnosed with the enfermedad.Los symptoms generally do not appear until adulthood, but as I said earlier have been approved and are in children.

If at anytime a person thinks of schizophrenia-like symptoms are appearing in their behaviour, collection and consult a doctor would be a very wise and good decision. Detect the disease very early in its development is very important, so the treatment with the greatest potential to have a good result.

Risk in people with the disease who would like to have a family and, of course, children, will always be there, but that really doesn't mean that one must try. The need to do is really great if some facts to be considered. Problems such as nursing and provide for the child or children, contains symptoms and disease outbreaks, babies with disease and even possible aid which he gave to his partner always are there and should be taken into consideration.

It is very important for people with schizophrenia to fell appreciated, loved and appreciated as one person normal life a day for otro.Son really very many normal people as well as us, sometimes with very high IQ, and unless the symptoms show a greater likelihood of acting, the person is just as normal behavior like us.Best thing to do as a friend, and right would understand as we could possibly do, and also attempts to educate others in order to have a better response and attitude of the people who suffer from this terrible disease.Their support and understanding of the experiences patient go means much to them.

While some symptoms may be similar to someone who is on drugs, schizophrenia can not be caused by taking drugs such as cocaine or other hallucinogenic drugs.

An increased risk of developing the disease is in the case of medicines bebedores.Gente must take special care to mix them with alcohol.Efectos can be very large and dangerous.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

For more resources on schizophrenia or schizophrenia symptoms please follow this link

Thursday 14 October 2010

An interesting introduction to psychology - schizophrenia

The symptoms of schizophrenia affects the content of thought, the way of thinking, perception, affect, the sense of itself, will, interpersonal functioning and psychomotor behavior and literally means "the mind".

Positive symptoms of schizophrenia are distortion of normal functions such as delusions and hallucinations;negative symptoms represent a decrease or loss of functions that usually present, such as (restricted flow of thought and expression), alogia avolition (restricted behavior directed by target initiation) and affect the plana.Una person who were you diagnosed disorganized schizophrenia kind could occur with associations loose, inconsistency, affect flat or inappropriate and regressed is largely uninhibited behaviour (e.g., laugh with reason, incongruous facial gestures).

Catatonic type is a type of schizophrenia is characterized by the disturbance psychomotor, engine including posture, mutism, rigidity, motoric immobility, extreme negativity and extreme excitement.A customer who speaks candidly and lucidly about a non-existent world, is concerned with voices saying that his "the world is ending," and whose speech behavior openly and affect are better in large measure appropriate adjusts the esquizofrenia.Una paranoid type person with schizophrenia symptoms although not clearly qualify as paranoid, disorganized types or Catatonic would you rate as undifferentiated type. A customer who has had an episode of schizophrenia and continues to display less severe symptoms of negative or positive (for example, affect flat odd beliefs), although not prominent positive psychotic symptoms are present would you rate as residual type.

Loosening of associations (Loose associations) is a type of expression is a common symptom of psychosis characterized by responses that do not relate to the questions, or a paragraph, sentence or phrase isn't connected logically to those that occur before or después.El circumstantiality refers to a style of expression that is less serious than the loose associations and is characterized by excessive attention to irrelevant details and digression; often finally reaches the point. The dopamine hypothesis refers to the idea that schizophrenia is associated with any of the neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, glutamate) monamine excess or increased sensitivity to normally present in the brain dopamine.

Gottesman, the odds of life for the development of schizophrenia between biological siblings dizygotic twin (fraternal) and the twin monozygotic (identical) percentages are: biological = 10%; dizygotic twins = 16%;monozygotic twins = 48 percent eliminators(Mednick) theory which proposes that schizophrenia occurs in people who physiologically predisposed to do so and that they face an adverse and stressful environment is called Diathesis–stress (vulnerability) theory.Research suggests that schizophrenic patients from industrialized countries do not tend to have a more acute onset, but shorter clinical course and usually a complete compared to patients from countries remission industrializados.Un side-effect of Pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia, dyskinesia characterized by desinhibidos, such as the gesture, involuntary, repetitive movements click lip, eye quick flicker and likely a person presented with identical to schizophrenia, which he has been experiencing for less than symptoms diagnosis labio.El depigmentation 6 months, although it has not experienced a significant decrease in overall functioning is disorder schizophreniform.Schizoaffective disorder is characterized by symptoms of a disorder of Mood and schizophrenia, are present where psychotic symptoms and the symptoms of the State absent mood for two weeks or more; psychotic features are more prominent than in a Mood disorder with psychotic features.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

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Wednesday 13 October 2010

The first symptoms of schizophrenia - A Look Back

Usually takes at least one semester of symptoms - a characteristic pattern of thoughts and behaviors, someone diagnosed with schizophrenia of mental illness by psychiatrists and often untreated psychosis period lasts much longer. Once done diagnosis, the person with schizophrenia and their or their family members can look back and describe symptoms presented as individual sometimes became ill. These initial symptoms or pre-illness are collectively called the prodrome.

The prodrome is lead to the development of the first psychotic episode of schizophrenia, and unfortunately, is so nonspecific that currently cannot be used to accurately predict if eventually develop schizophrenia.Looking back, the family members reported more often after having observed changes in personality, as their relative becoming social isolation and often retirado.A reported deterioration of the operation of work or school, as they are dimmed schizophrenic symptoms such as hearing wind talk with oneself (dimmed auditory hallucinations) or greater suspiciousness of others (dimmed paranoid delusions).

As today to prepare myself for a forthcoming talk, I can not help but think back to my phase prodromal. maybe if there was greater awareness of mental health and efforts to better diagnostics issues, my disease would have been captured from the beginning and I would not have had to endure a very long period (three years) of untreated psychosis. Whatever the case, in an effort to help others describe briefly to my prodromal phase.

He attended school in the western suburbs of Minneapolis, graduated at the top of my class with a 4.0 GPA, and then headed west to study at the Institute of technology (Caltech) California. That did well in school during my first year, but for the moment that approached my second year had the intense drive and motivation to do my course work. Towards the end of my second year, I was still going through my classes, but was put little effort into them. During the next summer, got a summer at Caltech (SURF) undergraduate research grant making environmental research in chromium in groundwater. Was an excellent opportunity to distinguish myself in the laboratory;However, I ended up doing lab work final medias.Al summer I was supposed to write a report and submit my conclusions. I converted the report later and never showed to present my work. I realized this increase in the laziness of the moment, but attributed it to be slightly unhappy at Caltech.

In addition, this summer I moved into an apartment off-campus and had reduced my social interaction with their amigos.A throughout this summer, I started to notice that my neighbor often seem to be at your door when came and went from my apartment. At first I thought just odd, but during the summer I started to believe that I watch.I didn't know why would do this, but I thought that maybe it was some kind of perverted.I also started to be fearful of gangs of criminals were to follow me when you could walk through the streets of Pasadena (a very secure de los Angeles suburb), and so I started to take with me a knife and pepper spray that attaches to my keychain.

However, these changes in my personality and behavior does not amount to a diagnosis, even if there have been some kind of early intervention; they were changes nonspecific can mean many things (or nothing).Only in looking back correctly say that they formed part of my prodrome.Para conclusion then, I can better describe my experience prodromal noting that didn't do anything ya.Yo just quietly and subtly left life.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Andrew D. Gadtke is the author of regular and decaf, a book describing the schizophrenia and disorder bipolar.Su inside experience book and the blog can be found on its Web site.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Types of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain but causes many mental health problems. The cause of this disease is not known but bad genes seem to be a hot favorite. Affects both sexes. Although there are some cases of children who were affected, is manifestly normally disease during the teenage years.

Schizophrenia symptoms vary depending on the type of schizophrenia that suffers from a person. The most common form is the paranoid schizophrenia. Patient imagines himself a victim of all sorts of conspiracies. Everyone is out for him. To reinforce this point of view, hallucinations and delusions are quite common.Hears voices of él.Con this persecution complex are extremely difficult to maintain relationships with family and friends.

Disorganized schizophrenia affects the person's ability to think logically. A normal thought process recognises the relevance of a particular thought at that time, focuses on him and moves to the next in the sequence. In schizophrenia disorganized thoughts crowd together brain and nothing gets solved. Catatonic schizophrenia makes that a person emotionally flat. A normal emotional response in a particular situation will be missing from this person. Becomes dull, withdrawn and listless. There may be a problem psychomotor also participate in the Catatonic schizophrenia. Residual schizophrenia is a condition in which a person may have been treated and get rid of most of the symptoms of schizophrenia, but lacks a positive attitude to move forward with life. He needs help to launch its process of thought to the positive side, far he regodeaba zero. Schizoaffective disorder patients have symptoms of schizophrenia and some more.These people will develop depression mood disorders and manía.La undifferentiated schizophrenia is everything that can not be kind as a particular type. You can have different types of schizophrenia symptoms.

Treatment of schizophrenia, only deals with the symptoms of the misma.No exists cura.Pero symptoms can be very effectively treated with antipsychotic and antidepressant medications and anti-convulsive.Electro-convulsive therapy as a last resort, is very effective.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Schizophrenia provides detailed information about schizophrenia, types of schizophrenia, symptoms of schizophrenia, schizophrenia treatments and much más.Esquizofrenia is affiliated with the effects of antidepressants.

Monday 11 October 2010

Schizophrenia - causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has been recognized in the history. The first symptoms of schizophrenia normally arise in adolescence or twenty years. It is a form of psychosis, which is an impairment of thinking in the interpretation of reality is abnormal. It is rare in children and is difficult to recognize in its early stages. Schizophrenia literally means divide account; However, many people still incorrectly believe that the condition causes a split personality (which is a rare problem dissociation participated). The cause of schizophrenia is not yet clear. People with schizophrenia can hear voices that other people can't hear you can believe that others are reading their minds, controlling your thoughts, or plotting harm them. Certain psychotic disorders, as in a manic bipolar disorder and disorder staff to share some positive symptoms of schizophrenia, but may have different courses and prognosis.

Schizophrenia could be to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, the Alzheimer's disease, stroke, abuse accident of drugs and other factors. It is not caused by the experiences of children, the poor parenting or lack of willpower, nor are they identical symptoms for each person. The behaviour of children with schizophrenia can change slowly over time. Affects approximately one percent of the population of the world, making it the most common psychosis. Schizophrenia and other mental health disorders have fairly strict criteria for diagnosis. Boot time, as well as the length and characteristics of the symptoms are all factors.Available treatments can alleviate many of the symptoms of the disorder, but most people who have schizophrenia must face some residual symptoms as viven.Una person with schizophrenia do not have a "dual personality", and almost all people with schizophrenia are not dangerous or violent to others when you are receiving treatment.

Causes of schizophrenia

Common causes and schizophrenia risk factor included the following:

Exect schizophrenia causes are not known.

Genetic factors.

Chemical or subtle structural abnormalities in the brain.

Biological and environmental factors.

A history of family of schizophrenia.

Psychological and social factors.

Symptoms of schizophrenia

Some signs and symptoms related to schizophrenia are as follows:

Loss of appetite.

The sense of being controlled by external forces.


(Not understandable) inconsistency

Regressive behaviour.

Decrease in itself.

Inability to take into account the needs of personal.



Lack of pleasure in everyday life.

Treatment of schizophrenia

Here is the list of methods for the treatment of schizophrenia:

People experiencing acute symptoms of schizophrenia may require intensive treatment, including hospitalization.

Neuroleptics (as clozapine, risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine, ziprasidone, and aripiprazole) or antipsychotic medications work by changing the balance of chemicals in the brain and are used to control the symptoms of the disease.

Forms supports and focused on the problem of psychotherapy can be useful for many individuals.

If you become people with schizophrenia depressed, it may be necessary to add an antidepressant to his drug regimen.

Individual therapy: cognitive therapy involves a therapist to help you learn ways to deal with the stressful thoughts and situations to reduce the risk of a relapse.

Patients that have the family and social support can be helped by linking and intensive cases that emphasize active disclosure management programs to a range of community support services.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Juliet Cohen writes articles for information on health care and cure of disease. also writes articles about diseases of the skin.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Schizophrenia - Do You Think that You Have It?

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There are several reasons and excuses for why Schizophrenia goes undiagnosed or mistreated.

Sometimes it is the result of denial by the person affected with the illness, or by the people around them. Other times it is the result of lack of education about the illness and an inability to understand what the symptoms are. It is also possible that a Learning disability can be the direct effect of a bigger underlying mental illness issue that a medical professional has over looked.

These are just some of the reasons why Schizophrenia can go undiagnosed for years until something that is hard to explain occurs, such as a pyschoatic episode.

In the early stages of the illness, it is easy to say there is nothing wrong and choose to ignore the signs of the illness. It is very unsettling at the thought of having Schizophrenia and being diagnosed or labeled with it.

But if left untreated or undiagnosed, Schizophrenia doesn't get better and will intensify with age.

Fortunately, there have been medical advancements to help treat and manage Schizophrenia.

It is an illness that you can count on it getting worse and depending on the severity, death could be the end result. Living with Schizophrenia that is untreated is a terrible way to live your life!

Denial of the Illness & Why it is not Diagnosed.

I have a daughter that has Schizophrenia and in the early parts of her life, I knew as a mother that something was not right.

There were many signs and things I noticed that were different, I would question them in my mind, touch on them with our family doctor, and then dismiss them saying, With time she would out grow these things.

I would fight with my husband all the time about her and his response would always be that she was just trying to get attention.

When it did become evident that there was definitely something wrong, he still would not acknowledge that he had a daughter with any problems let alone an illness as debilitating as Schizophrenia.

Even now my ex-husband still denies the fact he has a daughter with mental illness.

Denial is the number one reason why Schizophrenia is not diagnosed and why people do not seek help. Either denial by the person suffering or by the family around the person suffering, who denies it and says there is nothing wrong.

We all look for other possible non-severe reasons for a behavior. We tell ourselves lies, we think that it is our fault that things are this way, but they will get better over time. We say that time heals all wounds, but in this case, it will only get worse if not treated.

The second reason it is not diagnosed, is for the lack of information that is available about mental illness. For several decades, mental illness was never mentioned.

For a long time it was not even taught in medical schools, let alone, mentioned in public information.

We all thought of Schizophrenia as something that a psychopath had, because we would only hear about it when it was connected to a violent crime.

In my mind, when I thought of mental illness, I thought of a person who was put away in an asylum and forgotten about, because you couldn't deal with them.

The fact is, in severe cases of mental illness, the person suffering can gravitate to the darker side of the mind. But as time passes and if they are not diagnosed, it is possible for these dark thoughts to become a reality for them and they may do something violent.

But if the illness is diagnosed early enough, then it is possible to treat and manage.

The obvious and not so obvious symptoms of Schizophrenia

The symptoms of Schizophrenia may and can include:

Hallucinations (hearing voices, seeing people, seeing things that are not there)

People with Schizophrenia can have varying degrees of this illness. Sometimes they will hear just voices and never seen anyone attached to the voice. Other times it is more severe and they will actually see people, creatures and things that are not there in reality, but to them they are very real.

Doctors call these hallucinations, but to a person with Schizophrenia, the voices and people that they hear and see are as real to them as you and I.

People who are seeing or hearing these imaginary voices have a high tendency of talking out loud, becoming very vocal, and carrying on conversations with things that are not there.

They will even turn music on really loud in their room so no one can hear them talking to these imaginary forces. They will lock themselves into their own room, to have these conversations where no one can hear them, and they can be left alone.

When you hear the mentally ill talking to someone or something that is not there, you get the sense that the conversation is happening with a real person, but there is no one in the room with them.

Most of the time, if you ask them if they know the people they are talking to, they will typically say that they do not know they are.

But, depending on what is going in their life, they may start to believe that they are seeing people who have passed away, or an actor that they saw on TV in a movie. Sometimes the people they choose to talk to in their mind, are strangers on the street that they walked by days or weeks earlier.

The problem with these hallucinations is that these interactions will often turn to a Dark Theme. They will start to talk or think about death, loss, evil, anger and fear.

To some with Schizophrenia, the voices would verbally attack them about the person they are, and what they have done. They will say things like you are dumb, worthless, should never have been born and these dark comments and thoughts can continue to escalate to thoughts of harming themselves.

The voices typically never stop and they are very distracting, judgmental, critical, and over bearing.

Delusions (false beliefs)

It is very hard to say to someone with Schizophrenia that the voices and people they see are not real. They can draw pictures of what they are seeing and can give you an exact recount of what is being said to them. But the reality is all these things that are being told to them, they will start to believe as absolute truth.

One such example of this belief of the voices involves my daughter. The voices in her head told her that the food in front of her at meal times was poisonous and to eat it because they wanted her dead. If she did eat it, they would tell her that they are succeeding in killing her, and she would instantly throw it up.

As a result of this constant mental pestering, my daughter started to lose weight and became anorexic, and would not eat or keep food down. Because she believed what the voices told her about the food being poisonous, so she stopped eating.

When the mentally ill start to believe the voices and people they see and hear, that is when the person you know, no longer acts and thinks the same way as they once did.

Even if you tell them over and over again that these voices are not real, they will not believe you. In their mind it is a perpetual dream or nightmare that never ends. But when you confront them about these voices that they consider to be absolute reality, they will start to become more secretive and will withdraw into their own world. Thus, shutting you out of their life as much as they can and it is almost impossible to reach them at that point.

Lack of emotions or inappropriate display of emotions

As the illness progresses, people with Schizophrenia become more and more withdrawn into this world of imaginary visions.

They hear and talk freely with the voices and they stop relating to reality. This disconnection from reality can and will result in loss of emotions, and inability to interact in the world.

Once they have accepted this loss of reality, sometimes they start to believe that they have special powers that is given to them. Some of them believe they are receiving prophecies of what is to come, or they believe they are talking directly to god, angels, or the devil.

Sometimes they believe that they have an important mission to do and no one else understands, so they need to keep it a secret.

Because they feel no one understands them, the typical day to day interactions with normal people will result by acting out with anger and frustration.

As I explained earlier, the illness does not get better if left untreated or undiagnosed. It will not improve as time goes on and they slip into their own self-made imaginary world.

Lack of motivation

They lose the desire to go to school, work, take care of themselves or do anything in life. Interactions with people can feel strained and stressful for them and they will choose to avoid people all together.

They just want to be left alone to do what they feel they need to do. If they believe they have received a mission from the voices, then they just want to focus on that mission and forget about everything else.

Lack of motivation can be the direct result of a person with mental illness that is focusing entirely on the voices in their head. They will spend hours and days trying to decipher the supposed information they are being told.

In several cases, what they are being told makes absolutely no sense to them, but they feel they need to do something to make the voices go away.

Trouble functioning at school or in social situations

The constant nagging and pressure from these imaginary voices and people that pester the mentally ill is over whelming for them. As a result, they can become disorganized, easily distracted, an inability to focus or maintain consistent thinking.

They will act out inappropriately, say things in conversations that don't make sense, and laugh at things that are not funny. A complete social awkwardness. This makes functioning in school or social situations almost impossible for them.

For young adults and children, this type of social awkwardness can result in teasing and tormenting from people around them, making the illness even worse.

When this happens, they only want to disconnect from the world even more which will make it harder for them to function or fit in at school, work, or in social interactions.

Self-inflicting pain with the intent of a distraction from the voices and people they see.

Sometimes the constant voices in their head can be so overwhelming, that they just want it to stop and go away. In an attempt to get rid of voices, they will purposely injure themselves or cut their body to inflict pain. They will focus on the pain to push away the voices that they hear or the thoughts they have no control over. They will take extremely hot showers and try to focus on the hot sensation to draw their mind away from the voices.

They will drink or do drugs in attempt to shut out the voices to have some peace in their life.

This is just a short list of the several ways a mentally ill person will deal with the imaginary world in their head.

If any of these symptoms sound familiar to you or someone you know. Please take the necessary steps to get help.

Talk to someone you think will listen. Maybe your parents, friends, family member, or a Doctor.

Explain to the best of your abilities what is happening to you and the specific things that are going on in your mind.

People with mental illness can act very secretively and will keep a lot of things to themselves. They are very good at saying just enough to get by and not draw any attention to themselves. But with no treatment, after awhile it will become very obvious that something is not right.

They are afraid of what people may think about them, even worse they think that no one will believe them. In many cases, the voices in their head tell them that something bad will happen if they say anything. So they live in fear and will be scared of the possible repercussions of saying something.

But the truth is, if the illness is not treated or diagnosed, the symptoms will only intensify. It will become harder and harder for the person suffering from the illness to function in the world. Eventually, the many secrets that they have been hiding from loved ones and friends will come out.

But depending on the amount of time that has passed with no treatment it can result in several personal losses. Such as friends, family, work, school, and other loved ones in their life who do not want to be around them.

For Schizophrenia, the earlier it is diagnosed in life, the better chance a person has of living a normal and happy life.

There is hope of living a normal life with Schizophrenia. But it is only possible through treatment and management of the symptoms with medicine and diagnosing it as early as possible. In my opinion, having a great caretaker is essential.

More about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

This article was written by Paige, webmaster and author for Schizophrenia from a mothers perspective.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Symptoms of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia cause is still unclear. It has a link to any part of the brain. It is not a psychiatric disorder, but one of the physicist, affect the mind and personality of the person concerned. Treatment is mainly to relieve symptoms and manage the problem. So knowledge of symptoms becomes important.
There are different types of schizophrenia, each one has their own symptoms. When we talk about schizophrenia, the first that comes to mind is the paranoid personality. The whole world is conspiring against or their traps.The patient chooses a small group of family as 'us' and the rest of the world, including other members of the family, as the 'them' and deludes himself by making you believe that 'they' are doing everything possible to damage patient graves.El believes that he or she belongs to a higher elite, and others do not like or even understand it.
These types of delusions are reinforced by delusions and hallucinations, including voces.Las hearing voices are a very common symptom of schizophrenia. Voices can be absolutely real to them, and any disbelief by others invites wrath of the patient.
Schizophrenia patients thought processes are in confusion total.Pierden capacity to focus on relevant thoughts and logically continue in sequence. All kinds of thoughts crowd and can not place them in the correct order.These thoughts disorderedly worsen by hallucinations and delusions.
A condition known as residual schizophrenia, the patient does not suffer from the normal symptoms of schizophrenia, but lost all interest in normal life.Those emotions not moverlos.aparecen and behave very boring and listless.
The schizophrenia patient may also have other symptoms that may not be a direct consequence of the enfermedad.Sin however, treatment should include these también.estos symptoms symptoms include depression or bipolar disorder.
Treatment for schizophrenia (or to be more precise, the symptoms of schizophrenia) is a multi-billion dollar, as two million Americans are affected by ella.Anti-Psychotic, anxiolytics and antidepressants, and anti-convulsive drugs are administered separately or in combination by medical care psychiatric is a very important component of treatment.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

Schizophrenia provides detailed information about schizophrenia, types of schizophrenia, symptoms of schizophrenia, schizophrenia treatments and much más.Esquizofrenia is affiliated with the effects of antidepressants.