Thursday 14 October 2010

An interesting introduction to psychology - schizophrenia

The symptoms of schizophrenia affects the content of thought, the way of thinking, perception, affect, the sense of itself, will, interpersonal functioning and psychomotor behavior and literally means "the mind".

Positive symptoms of schizophrenia are distortion of normal functions such as delusions and hallucinations;negative symptoms represent a decrease or loss of functions that usually present, such as (restricted flow of thought and expression), alogia avolition (restricted behavior directed by target initiation) and affect the plana.Una person who were you diagnosed disorganized schizophrenia kind could occur with associations loose, inconsistency, affect flat or inappropriate and regressed is largely uninhibited behaviour (e.g., laugh with reason, incongruous facial gestures).

Catatonic type is a type of schizophrenia is characterized by the disturbance psychomotor, engine including posture, mutism, rigidity, motoric immobility, extreme negativity and extreme excitement.A customer who speaks candidly and lucidly about a non-existent world, is concerned with voices saying that his "the world is ending," and whose speech behavior openly and affect are better in large measure appropriate adjusts the esquizofrenia.Una paranoid type person with schizophrenia symptoms although not clearly qualify as paranoid, disorganized types or Catatonic would you rate as undifferentiated type. A customer who has had an episode of schizophrenia and continues to display less severe symptoms of negative or positive (for example, affect flat odd beliefs), although not prominent positive psychotic symptoms are present would you rate as residual type.

Loosening of associations (Loose associations) is a type of expression is a common symptom of psychosis characterized by responses that do not relate to the questions, or a paragraph, sentence or phrase isn't connected logically to those that occur before or después.El circumstantiality refers to a style of expression that is less serious than the loose associations and is characterized by excessive attention to irrelevant details and digression; often finally reaches the point. The dopamine hypothesis refers to the idea that schizophrenia is associated with any of the neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, glutamate) monamine excess or increased sensitivity to normally present in the brain dopamine.

Gottesman, the odds of life for the development of schizophrenia between biological siblings dizygotic twin (fraternal) and the twin monozygotic (identical) percentages are: biological = 10%; dizygotic twins = 16%;monozygotic twins = 48 percent eliminators(Mednick) theory which proposes that schizophrenia occurs in people who physiologically predisposed to do so and that they face an adverse and stressful environment is called Diathesis–stress (vulnerability) theory.Research suggests that schizophrenic patients from industrialized countries do not tend to have a more acute onset, but shorter clinical course and usually a complete compared to patients from countries remission industrializados.Un side-effect of Pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia, dyskinesia characterized by desinhibidos, such as the gesture, involuntary, repetitive movements click lip, eye quick flicker and likely a person presented with identical to schizophrenia, which he has been experiencing for less than symptoms diagnosis labio.El depigmentation 6 months, although it has not experienced a significant decrease in overall functioning is disorder schizophreniform.Schizoaffective disorder is characterized by symptoms of a disorder of Mood and schizophrenia, are present where psychotic symptoms and the symptoms of the State absent mood for two weeks or more; psychotic features are more prominent than in a Mood disorder with psychotic features.

Learn more about treatment for schizophrenia click here!

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